Lau Kopot o – Bearer of culture
March 17, 2023
Documentary – In her village Hulaliu on the island of Haruku near Ambon, Augustina Noija-Laisina – called Grandma Au – learned the song ‘Lau Kopot o’. In it, the ancestors are called to send fireflies to light the way in the dark. This also means the call for ‘enlightenment’ in difficult times. […]
Mahina – An ode to women
November 7, 2021
Each year the 21th of March is marked as the commemoration day of the first Moluccan KNIL soldiers arriving in the Netherlands. Accompanying these soldiers were Moluccan women — the focal point in expressing and conveying Moluccan culture. The traveling […]
The making of Mahina
May 26, 2020
A look behind the scenes by one of the theme portraits of the cultural project ‘Mahina – An ode to women’. In this theme portrait Danny Kolanus dances the ceremonial Tnabar Fanewa. Danny Kolanus’ family came to the Netherlands in the early 1950s as a result of forced migration […]
Dealing with Exorcism
March 24, 2023
Documentary – A rare glimpse into the life of a village community on Ambon, one of the Moluccan islands. Pastor Ina and her husband, Pastor Eddy, are leading a Pentecostal church community in the village of Suli. Almost every day they are confronted with cases of spirit possession […]
Guiding One’s Soul
January 10, 2016
In the Bait Al-Rahmaan Mosque in Ridderkerk (Netherlands) a funeral was unexpectedly held during the first Friday Prayer of Ramadan. This photo essay is about a funeral according to Moluccan Islamic tradition. In respect to Islamic customs, the deceased […]
Generasi yang Pertama
September 22, 2015
A short film about the first generation of the Moluccan community in a small town Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands. The film was shown during the first presentation of the book ‘Van Ambon Manisé naar de Bomenbuurt’. A memorial book that consists of self-written stories […]
Performing Tradition
August 18, 2015
A cultural exchange between two Christian village congregations from Maluku and Papua took place at the conference center of a resort on Ambon Island. Through this event, I try to visualize the impact of such an exchange on Moluccan adat, the traditional customary law in Moluccan villages.
Empowering Youth
April 30, 2015
This third photo essay is about an angkatan Muda. It’s about a youth service that is being held every Thursday for people in the age of 18 years to about 35 years. angkatan Muda means ‘young generation’. As if a daily practice takes place they go to one of these services […]
Women in Worship
April 22, 2015
This second photo essay is about an ibadah wanita . This church service is only intended for women. Every Wednesday an ibadah wanita is being held in each specific area (unit-sector) in the village. ibadah wanita means “women who worship God”. In such a church service […]
Spiritual Devotion
April 15, 2015
Prayers influence everyday life in the Moluccas. These cultural and religious expressions are embedded in many social activities that are rooted in the core of Moluccan society, among Muslims and Christians, today. In the following series of three photo essays, different church services […]
Waiting for the Pelni
December 16, 2014
Almost 9 hours after schedule time the Pelni* service arrived from Saumlaki [Tanimbar Islands] in the port of Tual [Kai Islands]. In this part of the world timetables for public transport are far from ideal, given the fact that these passenger ships through rough seas visit various islands […]
Bapa Latu
November 14, 2014
Every Wednesday there’s a morning market on the Island of Saparua. A small island in the Banda Sea. Early in the morning villagers are visiting the marketplace. It is a social event that reaches beyond the island. Villagers from surrounding islands, Nusalaut and Haruku and Seram […]
Mata Panas
September 18, 2014
Sunday afternoon in the village of Suli, Ambon Island. A mother with her child visiting a healer. This is a ritual healing of an infant who has been attacked by a so called suangi. A suangi is said to be a witch. People believe that a suangi drinks the blood or eats the internal organs […]
Lau kopot o – Bearer of culture
April 1, 2014
Trailer – In her village Hulaliu on the island of Haruku near Ambon, Augustina Noija-Laisina – called Grandma Au – learned the song ‘Lau Kopot o’. In it, the ancestors are called to send fireflies to light the way in the dark. This also means the call for ‘enlightenment’ in difficult times. […]
Bringing together
April 25, 2013
This essay is about a community maintaining their culture in the diaspora: The familiar that is yet unknown. The prayers with its strict protocol illustrate how interwoven politics is with Dutch Ambonese Christianity. The hoisting of the national flag on April 25 is an important event […]
Dealing with Exorcism
October 2, 2012
Trailer – A rare glimpse into the life of a village community on Ambon, one of the Moluccan islands. Pastor Ina and her husband, Pastor Eddy, are leading a Pentecostal church community in the village of Suli. Almost every day they are confronted with cases of spirit possession […]
Following the Fire
May 15, 2010
This photographic essay shows the annual Pattimura day in Central Maluku. It is a ceremonial event in remembrance of kapitan [title for a “army commander”] Pattimura. Hereby many people in Central Maluku commemorate Pattimura. They are remembering the battle on the Island […]
Speaking in Faith
January 31, 2010
Documentary – John Malaihollo’s belief in Jesus is a fundamental part of his life, which has intermingled with his specific use of photography. Why has he become a follower of Jesus? What moved him to join the Delft Christian Fellowship in the Netherlands? In the midst of his conversion […]
Moment of Silence
January 1, 2010
Each new year’s eve this ritual is passing by, it seems as a “tradition” for years as I can remember. The clock strikes twelve o’clock and we all stand still for a couple of minutes. The piring Natzar [“offering plate”] as the central point in our gathering; we are standing in a circle to have a […]
The Tjakalele Alifuru
December 1, 2005
Documentary – Pika Nendissa was born and raised in the Netherlands and has been performing the Moluccan warrior-dance Tjakalele from a very early age. He is a descendant of a family that has traditionally been given the right to perform this dance. In this weekly training sessions in the […]